Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reflections Part 2

Hi! My name is Meredith and I'm a member of Mrs. Kish's Humanities 12 Honors class. I am one of the two students who is not using one of the school's kindle touches but my own Kindle Fire. I received my Kindle this summer for my birthday and have been avidly reading on it ever since. I personally love my kindle. I can go on Facebook and play Words with Friends on it, but I mostly use it to read. I have enjoyed using my Kindle for school, for our textbooks are heavy and it's really an unnecessary addition to my books. Instead, I carry my Kindle around with me everywhere in my purse with my wallet and keys and I now have no excuse to ever not read my book. My Kindle totally motivates me to read more; I have read over ten books in the month I have had my Kindle and have all of our future English books downloaded on mine. I cannot figure out a "text to speech" option on my kindle, or if there even is one on the Fire. I have enjoyed reading Medea on my Kindle and cannot wait to read more!
I was so excited when I heard that our class would be receiving Kindles. My cousin has had one for some time and has been encouraging me to get one, saying that it’s easy to use and makes reading more fun. My expectations were definitely exceeded. It’s hard to find time during a busy teenage day to sit down and read. Most times I think we’re tempted to get lazy and find a summary online. With the Kindle, I was actually looking forward to reading and made sure I put time aside solely for our first assignment, Medea. I found myself highlighting passages and writing notes. I can definitely see myself changing some old habits and becoming a more avid reader thanks to the Kindle!-Emily


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The link below talks about the Kindle Fire "Text to Speech" options.

    Great to read about students ENJOYING reading!!

    Mr. Carroll
